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Medical billing dashboards that doth not draw ill

Discussion on Charts
DALL·E 2023-10-14 23.43.17 - Illustration of an ancient parchment from the medieval period

Our Quandary

The score of years ancient quandary with medical billing and coding

Billing professionals often find themselves navigating the labyrinth of their Practice Management Systems in the complex world of medical billing and coding. A maze-like user interface and rigid reporting structure leaves a lot to be desired. Most customizations miss the mark for the complexities of revenue cycle operations, underscoring the need for better analytics.

It's as if users are transported to medieval times, trying to decode cryptic ancient manuscripts when deciphering the system's output.

Our dashboards are free of charge to aid thee

Click an image below to give our dashboards a gander

Our Quest

We art on a quest to make plain the comprehension of billing and coding.

Welcome to the noble decade of the King's 2020, a season wherein the mysteries of medical data have grown most intricate, and guilds of insurance do amplify the trials of obtaining payment. Blessings be upon thee for thy steadfast labors in billing and coding.


Our intent is to aid thee by forging dashboards, granting thee the means to oversee thine medical billing and coding tasks with finesse. Thus, the doctors thou dost serve may fix their gaze upon their chief duty: the hale and heartiness of their patients.

DALL·E 2023-10-14 21.33.25 - Photo of a medieval marketplace with various stalls. One stal
DALL·E 2023-10-14 21.33.37 - Photo of a grand medieval hall. A long wooden table is filled

Concering Our Fellowship

Once upon a time, in the land where data was enchained within the dark recesses of woeful practice management systems, a fellowship of billing artisans arose, laboring under the unjust structures and limitations. 'Twas dashlord, a fellowship of brave souls who dared to defy the oppressive bindings, embarking on a noble journey to escape the confinements of archaic data management.


Whence they ventured into the uncharted territories of technological wizardry, they forged a mighty layer, aggregating data across yon realms, creating splendid dashboards, aglow with the splendid light of understanding and clarity. From the abyss of murky analytics emerged graphs and charts of unbridled brilliance, revealing the hidden truths of coding and billing denials, rejections, posted payments, and the performance of every scribe and clerk within the billing chambers.


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